An Elevated Approach to Marriage
Do you want to feel love, connection, peace, and friendship in your marriage?
The truth is that not only are you capable of having a marriage full of Ahava, Achva, Shalom V'reus, but you are worthy of it, too. You are very, very worthy of the connection you want to feel. And this winter, you are going to get it. All of it.
The love and connection.
Connecting with your husband and building a much happier marriage.
A much higher level of intimacy, care and compassion- all the time.
It's possible for you. And in Woman of Valor, you are going to get it.
For you. For your husband. For your family.
"Chany, my husband looks at me with different eyes. These days, there's so much love between us. I wish I would have had Woman of Valor ten years ago!"
Because Women of Valor changes marriages while helping YOU reach new levels of love, joy, and connection.
- Stop struggling with intimacy and learn intimacy secrets - Essential to a healthy marriage.
- Welcome positive affirmations and kind words into your life, as your husband learns how to love you like never before.
- Find connection unlike anything you have felt before by getting on the same page with your husband.
- Feel young and in love, free to be yourself and appreciated by your husband.
- They experience a powerful shift in their marriage that feels much better. They feel lighter, more confident and more connected.
- Their husband says that they've never felt so heard, so respected and so deeply in love.
- Their entire household begins to feel calmer, more alive and happy.
- Years of pain and disappointment disappear.
- Their marriage flourishes and becomes better than a honeymoon.
- And they say "I wish I would have known this sooner."
What They Said:
Just one short year ago, I was in a place of pain, lots of emotional pain and shulem bayis difficulties.
It is not to believe the changed person, wife and mother I am bh today! The changed man my husband has bh become! The changed atmosphere in our home and in our bedroom bh!
It's in your zchus Chany! May Hashem send you lots of shefa, koach, happiness, and peace in your life!!
"After one particular class in Woman of Valor, I felt a certain feeling (wave) of love, and self care/respect inside my precious heart and cannot put it down on pen and paper. I'm not so good with writing but I owe it all to you!!!! I felt it all back from my husband!! I was like, what did I do to get this? I want it to last all my life... "

"We just had the most beautiful Yom Tov. I didn't know that so much connection and happiness was possible"
"I am feeling free, light and happy! I am now more confident, have a strong self esteem, I AM!!!"
"My husband is now home more often on his own will, started helping around the house, shares more with me, is interested in hearing from me."
"I just finished listening to the class. Amazing!!! Thank you!!!"
"I thank Hashem for sending you at the right time and right place! I felt that you deserve to know what a difference you are making in people's lives! I am feeling so empowered!"
"I know I sent you an email last week with a win, and I feel like I'm having more wins b"h. It is so incredible. I am so feeling so crazy in love with my husband that sometimes I don't know what to do with all that happiness. B"h!"
"I feel very comfortable recommending you and your course."
"Women of valor is not just another course out there, it is an experience!! With all the support needed to get through it."
"I recommend every yiddishe mama to take this course, it's a must!"

"I think it can be helpful for women married and struggling for many years to know that they aren’t stupid of bad for not getting/hearing this life altering advice until this moment. They are ready now, that’s why they are hearing it now!
No beating yourself up for wasting so many years doing the wrong things.
You’re here now? It’s exactly now that you’re ready to hear and implement these changes.
Always a treat and privilege to learn from you, Chany."
"The class yesterday was really eye-opening. Different than anything I've ever heard!"
"I listened to both classes and they were both amazing! I'm already enjoying it so, so much!"
This new program will leave you feeling:
- Free and Alive
- Elegant and Dignified.
- Respected and Cherished.
- Connected and Loved.
- Safe and Secure.
- Happy, content, peaceful and like the wonderful woman that you are.
Your marriage is supposed to be good. Really, really good.
And it can be.
I know right now it feels like it will always be the way it has been until now, but I see marriages going from the place it's been for years- to thriving and feeling brand new!
I've helped hundreds of women just like you get the love, respect and connection they've always wanted.
We do this through my unique framework:
2. Establishing new ways of
connecting with your husband (so that he can in turn start treating YOU better as well)
3. Dialing up the love (bringing in more closeness and appreciation in your marriage)
Once this happens, spending your days with your husband becomes a treat.
Your marriage becomes a source of love, support and connection and you become true friends. You feel good EVERY DAY.
Sounds like something you want?
Woman Of Valor Is YOUR Place. I will teach you all the secrets to a loving, beautiful marriage. And you cannot fail.
You will 100% get to a better, happier, connected place in this program. This is what Woman of Valor is custom designed to do.
Do you feel like you are ready for more in your marriage- more connection, more love, more happiness?
It's time to feel good in your marriage.
A loving connection starts Today.
Welcome positive affirmation and kind words into your life.
Find connection with your husband unlike anything you have felt before.
Feel young and in love, free to be yourself and deeply appreciated.
I want you to know that with this program, you cannot fail. This is a powerful program using a proven system that works. No matter where you are right now, your marriage will 100% get better and better.
There is never a better time to get into this program. Today is the day your marriage starts thriving and becomes the loving relationship you are so worthy of.
- Feel validated and understood.
- Feel connected with your husband.
- Get complimented and loved.
- Be peaceful and confident.
- Be yourself and ask for your needs.
- Be able to say no to the things that don't feel good and YES! to what you want.
- Have your husband love, support and appreciate you.
- Accept your husband and give him room to grow into the man he is.
- And be the beautiful, beloved woman that you are, feeling happy, connected and secure.
This is a proven system that is guaranteed to give you the marriage you want. Typically, what most people experience in their marriage after learning these marriage secrets is:
They experience a powerful shift in their marriage that feels much better. They feel lighter, more confident and more connected.
Their husband says that they've never felt so heard, so respected and so deeply in love.
Their entire household begins to feel calmer, more alive and happy.
Years of pain and disappointment disappear.
Their marriage flourishes and becomes better than a honeymoon.
And they say "I wish I would have known this sooner."
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3 x $666.00
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You Get All Of This:
Woman of Valor is designed to give you a marriage of connection, love, peace and happiness.
You are getting a complete sense of self confidence. You will easily get the safety, love and happiness inside of you that is the foundation to a great relationship.
Get a new level of joy and confidence in your MARRIAGE by having better, easier, more loving ways to connect.
Then you will get real intimacy and love. You will connect with your husband on a level of love you have never previously experienced.
You are fully supported in this process. We meet each week for a LIVE zoom/phone class. These classes will be recorded, but for YOU, this will be a live class where you get to ask anything and be on the line while it is being made.
You get to do this at your own pace. Besides for the LIVE classes, you will also get the recordings of the classes and you have access to them for 6 months, untill Pesach.
Get clarity and next steps on EXACTLY what you need in YOUR marriage right now. You will get a live Q&A session every other Thursday evening at 9:00 pm where you can ask me ANYTHING.
Get new foundations in intimacy, emotional connection and the secret to love. This is a 15 week course. It is the most detailed course we've ever done!
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3 x $666.00
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- Why communication is not the highest form of connection, and what is.
- The simple steps to start feeling comfortable in your own skin and become a magnet for high level connection.
- How subconscious pain shapes a relationship.
- How to heal your core wounds, so they don't come between you and your husband.
- What real forgiveness is.
- Understanding the soul connection between husband and wife, and why most people unknowingly avoid it.
- How to connect, despite, and inside of all the frustration and pain that has come up in a marriage.
- Understanding what you really need in order to feel fulfilled.
- How to get your needs met. And how to get your husband excited to give to you.
- The remarkable reason why your husband often brings in negativity into the relationship, and how you as a woman are uniquely positioned to bring out the best in him.
- What is real connection.
- What is masculine and feminine power?
- How does being present help you?
- Your husband's biggest fears, your biggest fears, and how they play off each other.
- What Hilchos Yichud teaches us about the gift of who you are.
- Compassion. The most helpful thing we can do for ourselves in order to receive.
- How to dig deep so that you can build up high.
- The body's natural way of healing emotional pain, and how to allow that process to happen so that you are a whole, strong nucleus of the family.
- How to make pleasure pleasurable.
- What Mikvah teaches us about pleasure. And what intimacy really is- your life force being expressed, received and celebrated.
- The simple path to rewriting yourself into the person you want to be.
- How to find delight.
- How to cultivate friendship.
- How to deepen your connection with Hashem.
- How to cultivate the power of the woman to create a healthy family.
- The myth of sacrifice and the real avodah that a woman has.
- How to be strong.
- Celebrating all of who you are.
- How we heal addiction, depression or anxiety.
- Understanding the various forms of love, and which one is most helpful in a marriage.
- How to see your relationship with a fresh pair of eyes.
- How your marriage can be Oila yaffe- constantly rising in joy.
- Healing disappointments and opening up to real love.
- Having your marriage become better than sheva brachos by getting to know your husband on a deep level.
- How to create boundaries, and how boundaries create more connection.
- How knowing your own truth and making choices, gives you strength in your marriage, with your children, and with all the people you care about.
- Creating an environment where your husband loves to give you everything you want.
- Conflict free results.
- Caring for your vulnerability.
- How self expression and creativity bring peace to the marriage.
- How to be comfortable with yourself by learning to see the beauty in every aspect of you.
- How to open up to availability so that your husband feels welcome and knows your worth.
- The art of fighting without losing love.
- How to pass down dignity to our daughters.
- Understanding fear, and letting that guide us.
- Your husband's level of frumkeit and how that impacts you, so that you can feel connected to Hashem.
- How getting to know your full range of emotion can give you a happy marriage.
- Cultivating a natural and flowing relationship by getting into the state of flow.
- Why so many couples stay stuck at a very young level of connection and what to do to facilitate mature love.
- How to take the five love languages to a much higher level than is usually understood.
- Finding your joy.
- Knowing your position is in a healthy, thriving marriage so that you can be the elegant, dignified woman you were always meant to be.
- The difference between power and responsibility- and how knowing what's your power gives you gentle, loving generosity.
- Your role in the home as a Jewish Woman.
- What homemaking teaches us about marriage.
- What Eishes Chayil really means.
- How to invite your husband into your mikdash by bringing the Shechina in.
“My husband has even started copying my ways of talking to myself kindly, taking breaks and asking himself what he needs to be calm and balanced now. Sometimes he goes to the beis midrash and I don't resent it anymore. I'm proud and I encourage it. My kids see the difference and they have started doing it too. We are a much happier household! Thanks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”
Hi! Chany.. responding to the poem u sent a few days ago…
Just a short while ago it was my heart that u were describing that was so raw that was bleeding so profusely. That was so wounded. Drip drip drip ... pain pain pain. It was in so much pain I’d find myself holding my breath to assuage my terrified and hurt heart. As you so accurately described it was trampled on, squeezed , belittled, and poked fun at. It was a real live punching bag! And yet It still mustered the courage to go on and beat. Chany, I joined your course and u taught us to safely hold our precious hearts softly and tenderly. You then taught us to take care of it gently and carefully. To caress and embrace our trusty hearts. To heal it and finally set it free. After a few weeks of doing your work my heart was no longer bleeding and leaking so profusely. Scabs were starting to form. The work was hard and vulnerable and so courageous! The scabs would form ,peel ,bleed and then form again. Slowly but surely though the scabs formed and stayed closed. Just a few months later the scabs are still there but they’re scabs that are healing and bh starting to fade. I am bh back home to my essence to the tzelem elokim that I am and love. To my precious soul and precious being! Thank you!
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